Sunday, August 7, 2011

#42 Exercise: I think my watch is a fake

Last Wednesday, I proudly hit the snooze from 6:30 to 7:20 in the morning, before I finally pried myself out of bed for a morning run. Less than a quarter mile in, I forget how to get off a curb, and land hard. On my phone! (I've had it a month). I've been using it as a timer for my intervals, and to time my fixed run (only 1.5 miles at this point).

Scratched but alive, me and my phone get up and continue for the rest of the workout. I even do weights that night! (The  reason I was running in the morning was missing my Tuesday night workout, but due to cooler weather, I might try to continue it.) However, Thursday I make my way to the store to get a watch.

The Timex brand seems to have good reviews for sports watches, so I pick their "Marathon" brand. In my ignorance, I think a split/lap functionality means it's good for intervals. Wait, no, it's for timing the miles within a marathon!

Friday I was going to run, but I forgot the sports bra, so I ended up using the elliptical, and did the run Saturday. At this point, I'm two days behind schedule. However, I spend an hour on Saturday trying to find the manual for my watch (none came with it). Timex apparently doesn't remember carrying this model, nor does it have any configured this way. Interesting. Using the other Ironman X Lap manuals as a guide, I realize-- my watch is missing all kinds of features, like, REPEATING A TIMER.

So, now every time I want to repeat a 1-minute interval, I have to reset the timer. I also don't have the option of a 2-minute timer, it just goes straight from 1 minute to 3!

Perhaps this is why it was on sale? Should I try to return it?