Wednesday, July 27, 2011

28 Days Later: Still No Soda

Almost a month into my 100-day challenge, I still sometimes crave diet pop but the habit feels like it is finally broken--I am now used to forgoing a Diet Coke at lunchtime. The hardest occassions are those 'special' ones where I am used to having a pop to accompany a treat, most notably the movie theater where water just does not go as nicely with a bucket of popcorn.

The hardest part about this challenge has been finding a decent substitute. Sometimes, water just doesn't cut it and I need a little flavor. I checked out the various iced teas and V8 juices available in my office's vending machines, only to scan the ingredients and see the first ingredients listed include high fructose corn syrup, violating Rule #35. However, I did discover the tasty yet crazy expensive kombucha tea, which is naturally effervescent.

Since June 30th, I've adhered strictly to Rule #36 (pats self on back). I've broken #35 a few times, such as the energy drink I chugged to make sure I stayed awake through a midnight movie on a school night (I'm old). And I still crave orange juice when hung over and fresh-squeezed-all-natural can be hard to come by when you're limited to what's available at 7-Eleven. Overall, I have definitely saved plenty of quarters that would have disappeared into vending machines. 72 days to go....

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