Sunday, July 24, 2011

#37-41: A New Approach

So, so far I haven't been as good about this as I would like. I haven't been terrible, but as you may notice, there are no meal plans posted as of yet on here... because I don't have any. I've been better about what I eat, and was better about cooking at home for a couple weeks, and then that all kind of went down the drain.

One of the things I like to do every so often is go on a detox for a few days, a week, etc... I like being over-regimented. It's like hitting a reset button. It gets me back in the right mindset, remember, oh yeah, I feel so much better without eating all this processed crap... why don't I do this all the time?

So tomorrow I'm starting the Whole30 - it's a month long paleo detox plan. I have a feeling Poppy, being as into health and fitness as she is, may have some strong opinions on plans such as this. But the bottom like of it, which I always agree with, is to start eating whole foods. Only. The stuff I know I should do and know how to do but then forget how to do and man do those potato chips and diet coke and hot dogs sound awesome right now....

The one thing I will really miss I think is the legume restriction - especially as a former vegetarian I'm really into beans. That doesn't mean I can't ever have them again, just not for the next 30 days. I can do anything for 30 days.

Since this will be a shift from what I'm used to, I will definitely be creating some meal plans to keep me on track, so stay tuned for those as I figure out this new diet and develop my new eating strategies!

1 comment:

  1. girl, i'm not judging you! just do your thang, pretend i'm not here!
